Telco Network Services
The success of our consulting activities has brought an increasing demand by our clients for us to be involved in the project management, build-up, rollout and optimisation of telecommunications and IT networks. Consequently, we have formed an independent business unit, Bridge Technology, to address these activities. The services and corresponding skill profile of the consultants involved is significantly more technology and engineering focussed, complementing the more strategic and management focus of the Bridge Consulting assignments. Examples of typical assignments include:
- Project management and implementation support of NGN Core and Radio network of various generations
- Project management and implementation support of Charging System and Network Management System
The core services offered by Bridge Technology are:
- Project management
- Information technology services
- Telecommunication (fixed and mobile) network planning
- Site design and acquisition
- Network Implementation
- Rollout supervision
- Operations support services
Additionally, this business unit also provides support in associated services:
- Technical Training
- Recruitment Services
A key element of the Bridge Technology service portfolio is the Operational Support Services (see also Bridge Consulting Operational Management Services). These services are based upon industry best practice process maps (eTom and ITIL operating models) developed by the TelemanagementForum amongst others.
The services complement those of Bridge Consulting (Interim Management and Operations Consulting) and include:
- Operation Supervision - for operators with enough resources but lacking qualified specialists in particular operational areas. Assignments are typically for 6-12 months at senior and middle management levels
- Day-to-day operational support - an outsourcing option for clients with limited operational resources ensuring rapid-time-to-market and proven process implementation. Teams may vary from 3 to 20+ qualified engineeers
- Turnkey operations support - network operations are outsourced to Bridge for the initial network launch and consolidation period (2 to +24 months from launch)
In all cases we address the major operational areas of a telecommunications provider:
- Network Planning ( Core, radio, transmission)
- Network Implementation
- Network Engineering & Optimization
- Network Operations and Maintenance
- System Integration
- Service Development
- Marketing and Sales
- Revenue Assurance
- Fraud Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Customer Care and Billing
- HR and Training